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When was the first DMS system created?

The first Document Management Systems (DMS) began to develop during the 1980s. These early systems were primarily focused on digitizing and storing paper documents, allowing organizations to manage large volumes of information more efficiently.
One of the first significant DMS systems was IBM’s “ImagePlus,” launched in 1988. This system used document scanning to convert them into digital format, storing them in electronic archives that were easily searchable and accessible to employees within the organization.
As technology evolved, DMS systems became more sophisticated, incorporating functionalities such as version control, access management, integration with other business applications, and business process automation.
My DMS system: Comprehensive solution for digitalization
My DMS system offers a comprehensive solution for digitalization and optimization of business processes, enabling more efficient management of documents and information. With a focus on an intuitive interface, personalized access, advanced automation, and security, my DMS system provides everything needed for a modern and agile organization.


Additional functionalities

Management of eInvoices and eDocuments (incoming and outgoing with SEF)
API connection with ERP
eCorrespondence log
Archival book
VAT records
Task manager
Ticketing system
Electronic signature
Template creation
Ability to assign deputies in cases of absence from work
And much more…

For free consultations, write to us at email: or call us at: 011 435 0565.

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Seven key reasons why sustainable businesses are becoming increasingly popular

Sustainable businesses are becoming increasingly popular, and here are 7 reasons why:

Growing Environmental Awareness: People’s awareness of environmental issues is on the rise. As information about the negative impact of human activities on nature becomes more widespread, people are becoming more conscious of the need to protect the environment. In search of solutions that would reduce negative impacts on the surroundings, people increasingly support and prefer companies that actively engage in sustainable practices.
Regulatory Pressures: Governments and regulatory bodies around the world are introducing stricter regulations and standards related to environmental protection and sustainable development. These regulations require companies to take responsibility for their environmental impacts and adopt sustainable practices into their operations to adapt and remain competitive in the market.
Economic Benefits: Sustainable businesses can result in significant economic benefits. Through more efficient use of resources, reduction in energy, raw materials, and waste costs, companies can achieve significant savings in operational costs. This, in turn, increases the profitability of the business and creates a stable foundation for sustainable growth.
Brand Strengthening: Companies that stand out as leaders in sustainability gain an advantage in the eyes of consumers. Through transparency in their sustainable practices and engagement in socially responsible activities, these companies build a positive brand image. Consumers increasingly recognize the value of supporting companies that act in accordance with their environmental and social values.
Access to Capital: Investors are increasingly recognizing the potential of sustainable business models. Companies that successfully integrate sustainability into their business operations have greater access to capital. Investors are increasingly interested in supporting companies that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
Risk of Reputational Damage: Companies that neglect sustainability can face reputational damage. In today’s digital age, poor management of environmental issues can quickly lead to public backlash and the spread of a bad reputation through social media. This can have long-term consequences for the business, including loss of consumer and investor trust.
Innovation and Competitive Advantage: Seeking sustainable solutions often drives business innovations. Companies that are leaders in sustainability have the opportunity to stand out in the market by offering innovative products and services that address current environmental and social challenges. This creates a competitive advantage in the market and contributes to the long-term success of the company.

Do you want your business to become part of this sustainable revolution? By digitalizing and using Docloop services, you’re not only speeding up and optimizing your operations, but you’re also protecting the planet by not using paper and not contributing to unnecessary tree cutting.
Send us an inquiry today at for free consultations and any additional information.

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How have e-invoices changed business?

In today’s digital age, electronic invoices have become an essential part of business. This technological innovation brings numerous advantages and changes to the way financial transactions are conducted.

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How does digitalization preserve the environment?

The transition to digital business can significantly reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to environmental conservation. Although it is difficult to precisely calculate the exact amount of CO2 saved by transitioning to digital business, it is clear that these changes have a positive impact on the environment.

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Digitalization now and in the future

In today’s modern age, digitalization has become an integral part of our everyday life. We increasingly rely on digital technologies to perform various tasks and simplify our daily routines. However, the question that arises is: how will digitalization impact our future?

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