World Forest Day – Docloop planted 350 new poplar trees

As part of our ecological platform 0tisak, we conducted a reforestation campaign in collaboration with the Public Enterprise Srbijašume and the company Ecoserein. During this initiative, 350 new poplar trees were planted at the Forest Management Unit Rit, marking World Forest Day.

Date: 28.10.2023.

As part of our ecological platform 0tisak, we conducted a reforestation campaign in collaboration with the Public Enterprise Srbijašume and the company Ecoserein. During this initiative, 350 new poplar trees were planted at the Forest Management Unit Rit, marking World Forest Day.

Every year, on March 21st, World Forest Day is celebrated worldwide. The aim of this day is to raise awareness about the importance of forests and their preservation. One way to mark this day is by organizing reforestation actions, encouraging people to actively engage in the restoration and conservation of forests.

Reforestation is a crucial part of observing World Forest Day as it provides an opportunity for citizens to actively contribute to nature preservation. Through planting new trees, individuals can contribute to forest restoration and the creation of a healthier environment. This action also serves an educational purpose, prompting people to learn about the significance of forests and their impact on the environment.

Reforestation has a positive impact on the environment. Forests are a vital part of our ecosystem, producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, and providing habitat for numerous plant and animal species. Through reforestation, we can aid in the restoration of damaged forests and reduce the adverse effects of deforestation. For instance, in some parts of the world, such as the Amazon rainforest, reforestation is crucial to halt the rapid loss of forests and preserve biodiversity.

Reforestation also holds socio-economic significance. Forests offer sources of food, medicinal plants, timber for construction, and fuel, as well as opportunities for tourism and recreation. Through reforestation, new income sources can be created for local communities, improving the quality of life in rural areas. For example, in some countries like Ethiopia, reforestation is part of poverty alleviation programs and employment generation initiatives.

Furthermore, reforestation has aesthetic importance. Forests are a natural beauty that surrounds us, providing tranquility and peace. Through reforestation, we can restore landscapes that have been disrupted by urbanization and industrialization. For instance, many cities worldwide organize reforestation actions to create green spaces and enhance the quality of life for their citizens.

To achieve success in reforestation efforts, it is crucial for everyone to get involved. This can be through our organized campaigns where citizens can sign up and participate in tree planting. Additionally, through collaboration with us, schools and educational institutions can organize educational programs on the importance of forests and reforestation, while other companies can join Docloop in future green initiatives, positively impacting environmental protection.

Moreover, government and organizations can support reforestation actions through financial resources and expert assistance. This will enable a broader scale of reforestation and quicker forest restoration. It is also essential to implement measures for forest protection to prevent further destruction and preserve their value.



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Sava River Day – Over 200 Participants Cleaned the Sava Riverbank

The cleanup event titled “Let the Sava River be Blue,” organized in anticipation of the International Sava River Day on June 1st, concluded with great success. The event was organized by the company Docloop in cooperation with JVP Srbijavode. The event was attended by Irena Vujović, the Minister of Environmental Protection, Miloš Vidović, the President of the Savski Venac Municipality, a large number of citizens, as well as employees from various public enterprises in Belgrade, such as “Zelenilo Beograd,” “Beogradski vodovod i kanalizacija,” “Gradska čistoća,” and water management companies “Beogradvode” and “Galovica.”
More than 200 participants cleaned the area under the Ada Bridge, which is one of the most polluted and requires special attention and waste removal.
With great pleasure, we organized educational workshops and a sports class for the youngest participants, highlighting the importance of environmental protection.
We extend our gratitude to all participants who selflessly dedicated their time and energy to help preserve our nature. Their effort and dedication are crucial for the success of such actions and demonstrate how important it is for all of us to care for our planet together.
We owe special thanks to our partners from JVP Srbijavode for their excellent cooperation and support throughout the event. We will continue to work together on further ecological projects and raising awareness about the importance of preserving nature.

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The “Plant for Tomorrow” afforestation action carried out in Fruška Gora National Park

In line with the growing awareness of the importance of environmental conservation, companies Docloop doo and Ecoserein have joined forces with the Public Enterprise of Fruška Gora National Park to commemorate World Forest Day in an effective and inspiring manner. As part of our committed initiative, which planned the planting of 600 oak saplings, on Thursday, March 14th, we successfully planted more than 115 trees. This commendable effort is not merely a symbolic gesture but a concrete action that will contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and the creation of a healthier and cleaner environment for future generations.
As part of this comprehensive action, we designed an educational segment that attracted significant attention from participants. During this segment, representatives from the management of the Public Enterprise of Fruška Gora National Park shared their extensive knowledge on the biodiversity of this exceptional natural treasure. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the diverse plant and animal species inhabiting the park, as well as to understand more deeply the challenges this ecologically important area faces today. Through open and inspiring discussion, attendees gained insight into the complexity of preserving natural habitats and the role each individual can play in protecting and enhancing these precious ecosystems.
After completing the afforestation work at the Terazije site in the heart of Fruška Gora National Park, together with our partners and clients, we organized an unforgettable event as the final seal of the successfully completed job. This moment of gathering was not only an opportunity to celebrate the progress made in nature conservation but also a chance to strengthen mutual cooperation and exchange ideas. In a relaxed atmosphere of socializing, all volunteers had the opportunity to discuss further steps in environmental conservation and enjoy a meal with a view of the newly planted oak saplings that will grow and contribute to the richness of this beautiful natural oasis.
Docloop, as an environmentally conscious company engaged in business digitalization and the first licensed information intermediary by the Ministry of Finance for the exchange of electronic invoices and other electronic documents, generously included the nonprofit organization Otisak in the entire process of organizing green actions. Docloop, Otisak, and Ecoserein have already successfully organized an afforestation action in March 2023. The tradition continues, and the collaboration is planned to become more frequent, with more companies that wish to contribute to a greener future getting involved. If you also want to join us, you can contact us at
Involving colleagues, clients, and partners in such noble actions not only promotes the importance of environmental conservation but also deepens the sense of belonging and responsibility towards the local community. Through collective effort and engagement, a strong bond is formed between all participants, while bridges are built between the business world and nature protection. These initiatives not only raise awareness of today’s ecological challenges but also contribute to creating a positive social impact and promote the idea of sustainable development. The excitement and enthusiasm present during such events revive the spirit of community and solidarity, creating an inspirational atmosphere that inspires everyone present to engage and contribute to a better future for all of us.

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Clean up action of the Sava river – Docloop cleaned the banks of the Sava river

For the company Docloop, environmental protection is of crucial importance, and our team intends to increasingly dedicate itself to green actions year after year to enhance the natural environment. We would like to motivate other companies to join us in future initiatives, so that together we can create a brighter future for all of us, our children, and our nature!

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